おちゃすき〜 / Ochaskey 🍵
This server has been monitored since 2 years ago with uptime of 98.34%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 8 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
おちゃで繋がるネットワーク🍵以下の条件に当てはまる人はお断りです。 ・13歳未満の方 (13さいよりとししたのひと)→今後は制限なし ・EU圏内に在住している方 (If you live in the EU, you cannot register. Please understand that.)
This server labo.wovs.tk runs misskey software, version 12.119.2This server has been monitored since 2 years ago with uptime of 98.34%
Detected language of this server is Japanese
This server uses a CDN to block its actual location, you should investigate where the actual server is located before using
Server last checked 8 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
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Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer
Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer